What is Symphony Entertainment?
Symphony Entertainment Gaming & Arts LLC is my Gaming Club and company. Our games focus on Horror Systems, Indie Games, Organic Content, and Player Agency. Symphony’s goal is to bring tabletop gamers together to create, write, run , play and experience our horror TTRPGs.
What Systems Do You Offer?
We focus solely on horror-based systems. Though too many to name, some of our favorites are:
Alien: The Roleplaying Game, Free League Publishing
Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, Chaosium
How Can I Experience Symphony?
Symphony appears (in person) at gaming conventions primarily in Ohio and the surrounding areas. We also appear at various online conventions. Follow us on social media to see upcoming appearances.
You can watch us live on Twitch at twitch.tv/SymphonyEntertainment or on our YouTube.
You may also check us out at StartPlaying.games for paid online events:
Who is Involved and How Can I Join the Symphony?
Symphony’s executive board is currently “composed” of the President (Bridgett Jeffries) and the Vice President (Robert Lambert). We are not quite yet ready to open up additional board positions. Once the time comes, we’ll update this space.
What is Symphony Entertainment Social Dissonance (SESD)?
This intimate but powerful Symphony Community was organized during the initial Stay Orders of COVID19. Due to its symphonic members, it has grown in such melodic ways.
We offer free online pick-up games. It’s easy to submit and sign up for events. You can join here! We also have a Discord channel.
At Symphony, you can game, network, meet new friends, and steal some really quality memes (lol). This community also offers writing/GM support and coaching. You may solicit assistance for play testers, reviewers, readers, editors, designers, and layout technicians for your own scenarios/games.
It is a beautiful, symphonic community. There is a wealth of experience and support there. I love them so much. I rolled SAN checks with a bonus dice through the entire pandemic because of them.
What Products Do You Offer?
Currently, Symphony has gaming scenarios and supplements listed on DriveThruRPG.com for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition.
Spoiler Alert: There is much more coming… I’m just not allowed to tell you (yet). Stay “tuned” for future updates!
You may also purchase Symphony Entertainment gear by clicking the Merchandise link.
Wait, Who Are You?
Oh, yes! Hello! My name is Bridgett Jeffries. That’s me below.
What’s Your Story, Bridgett?
Well, in addition to being the Founder of Symphony Entertainment Gaming & Arts, LLC, I’m a self-employed African American queer woman who resides in Columbus, Ohio. Someone told me to study something I loved, so I majored in Religion & Classics at the Florida State University. Twelve years later (with a history degree), I now work in the pet care services industry. Ha! Joke’s on me, right?
So, how do I utilize my degree and accompanying four-year out-of-state tuition? Gaming. I write and run horror roleplaying game scenarios. The vast majority of my games have a strong historical influence and a diverse selection of characters. Gaming, much like history, tends to be whitewashed and rewritten through rose colored glasses. If you’re sitting down at one of my games, you’ll hopefully leave horrified, but you’ll definitely walk away with a piece of non-filtered history.
Oh! I also have three dogs. They’re pretty cool. Actually, no they’re awesome.